Thursday, January 10, 2013

January Beach Day

With a beautiful day and the temperature at about 51 degrees in Atlantic City, NJ,  it was perfect for getting some vitamin D to counteract the lack of sunlight here in January. 





After hurricane Sandy the destruction is not evident unless you know where to look.  The marshes have odd things that have washed up.  As you drive by you probably won't notice what the storm brought into the marsh unless you stop and get out to get a closer look. The marshes along the Black Horse Pike  entrance to Atlantic City may have had more of this floating debris lodged into sensitive estuaries.  On the beach that I visited in front of the Taj Casino there were different shells including some winkles that I wouldn't normally find and maybe a few more bottles washed up. 


So where are those surf clams?

I used my little Fuji camera and with no view finder.  You couldn't see anything of the image on the LCD screen that you were trying to capture in the bright sun.


The Revel is still spectacular but if you get up close you notice that the gleaming panels are noticeably streaked and dulled.  I hope that all they need is a good washing and that the surface is not damaged.  Some columns have been encircled with bungee cords.  Maybe upon inspection someone might have noticed a loosening of some panels. 

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year's Day 2013 with Bling


All I can say is that gaudy sells---- especially during the outgoing year of 2012 when fashion and in particular handbags, could not have been more bedazzling.  So can a little extra bling be so bad?   Not in this area of South Jersey.  We welcome 2013 with an extra helping of bling and pageantry with the Philadelphia Mummer's Parade.  The parade is over a hundred years old and features performers adorned in feathers, glitter, mirrored studs, and colorful fabrics.   There are the comics, the fancy brigades, and the string bands marching up Broad Street.


The costumes are bright and showy but the people that appreciate the Mummer's Day parade will never say that they are gaudy or tasteless.  I tried to get someone to travel on the train with me to see it live but  nobody wanted to leave the comfort of their home.  So I took a few screen shots off of the television.  I remember when I was a kid and the all male rule was still in existence.   I loved seeing the drag queens that were allowed to strut their stuff back then.


 When they dropped the all male rule my sister was tapped to perform with the Palmyra String Band.  She went on to be Pinocchio and one other character.  It was a new life for my parents and their young daughter.  After the New Year's Day Parade, the spring and summer were filled with invitations to travel around the Northeast.  They made real friends where ever they went because they were invited to stay in the resident's homes in the towns where they visited.  I am twenty-three  years older so I wasn't a part of this fun-filled time.  I believe this string band has since disbanded.


My sister as Alice, in the 1983 Mummer's Parade:



A photo straight from the television: 



Extravagantly bright or showy, typically so as to be tasteless.



garish - loud - showy - flashy     :(


A little background on the parade:


A shop in the Taj Casino on New Year's Eve

featured an overload of bling: 


Handbag Bling:




Not a part of the minimalist movement:


I believe this was the winner's performance.  Fralinger's String Band.  Please change the setting to 720HD for best viewing: