Friday, October 26, 2012

Festival Dogs


    Seems as though bringing your pets to festivals is a very popular.  Pet dogs in general seems to be as popular as ever even though it is rough in this poor economy to take care of pet needs. Recently I took my cat to the vet and it cost $140 for a mild case of fleas. People are willing to burden themselves financially to provide good care for their pets. With so many people living alone, pets are needed for companionship.  Some dogs take on a dual duty as security dogs. They are better than an alarm system in my opinion. Some people love their animals but they treat them like they were some kind of special accessory that completes their look.  Another side benefit is that they help to attract other humans to engage in conversation. This year I saw a cat at a flea market, and a little pig at the Cranberry Festival but the rest were dogs. As a species, dogs have the most variety. It's funny how the Doberman pincher will sniff the chihuahua and it is obvious that they both know they are dogs acting in dog ways.  Just posting some of my favorites including a pig and a cat!


Best groomed:

Cutest all-round:


Too many breathing problems I will assume:

 Best security dog:

 Well, he needs the wagon or he would struggle to keep up:





 I'll take a half dozen:

This stuffed canine was at the Country Living Fair in Batsto, NJ,  but at the Chatsworth Cranberry Festival they had real wolves. 



Double Trouble:

I am a blue jeans type of dog:

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