Saturday, June 15, 2013

Hitting the Boards in Atlantic City: Parrot Heads, Sand Sculpture Artists, and More...

We hit the boards near Cesar's Casino heading for the Taj.  First we got off into the sand to view sand sculpture artists from all over the world.  Each project was not completely finished and the timer went off and the artists returned to their masterpieces.  Special sand was trucked into the beach.  Whereas the natural beach color is a lightest gray,  the sand that they used has a distinct yellow gravel color.




 I will guess that the split in the face symbolizes something that the artist wanted to convey but we were wondering...


Each artist had a bio posted next to each creation.  It truly was an international event with artists flying in from all over the world.  I would guess many of them might have had very humble beginnings.  Except for the fact that you have to live near the beach the medium for this art couldn't be cheaper and what beach lover wouldn't encourage a kid with amazing skills with sand.



The Korean War Memorial near Bally's Casino, gives you a chance to view more sculpture but in the permanence of bronze. It immediately puts you in a more serious mood and it is a cool little escape from frivolity, on the boardwalk itself.


Sad but this man is not here for the entertainment that the Boardwalk offers. In any case he looked clean and he did not complain to me about taking his photo:





So Jimmy Buffett has gambled on Atlantic City for his newest Margaritaville in association with Resorts Hotel and Casino.  Hope he does well.


Parrot heads like this guy were prevalent in the crowds ready to enjoy Jimmy Buffet's free concert on the beach:


Recently Wildwood passed an ordinance restricting the shirtless hanging pants look.  This attire was not that prevalent on the Boardwalk here in Atlantic City but in my opinion this laughable style is waning.  I never quite understood how this could ever look sexy. I understand the appeal of a toned, tanned, muscular frame with tattoos to grab your attention but not the baggy hangin' drawers:


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