Friday, June 7, 2013

Summer's Comin' but it is Still Spring


      I haven't worn fashionable heels in years but even in my best years I wouldn't be able to wear this type of platform shoes.  At  5' 0", I could have used a few inches.  This shoe was found along side of a back road to the in Mays Landing, NJ.  Something prompted me to get out and retrieve this lone shoe that some Cinderella lost after partying too much at the prom.  I shared my story with a few friends and two people said they had driven by and spied this same shoe. Give this vine another month and it should be a special delight in my front court yard.


    This Robins' nest had 4 nestlings and they were ready to fledge on the day we got hit with a storm called Andrea.  Saw one left in the nest during the storm.



I really wanted one of those fountains that start at about forty dollars for small table top types to upwards of a couple thousand for impressive garden accents but I get satisfaction by crafting my own. So I bought a 15 dollar small pump and camouflaged it in a kitty litter pan with stones and other natural materials. I was pleased but I was hoping to attract a few birds but so far no visitors. In any case it has a soothing bubbling sound.

Flowers from a blackberry bush called Black Diamonds:




 Road for Progress---NOT!  I did not want the development behind my house but that is what is coming.  They are talking about three hundred homes.  In the future this will be a paved road in my back yard leaving me with no privacy.  So even though I prefer no road at all, this unpaved  road with a few remaining indigenous laurel bushes is pleasant when there aren't vehicles speeding through:



 See my reflection in the gazing ball:


 Stella D'Oro Lily:


Genus: Oenothera

Species: fruticosa

Common Name: Sundrops:

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