Friday, January 3, 2014

Measurable Snow, January 3rd, 2014

     Woke up to about 4 or 5 inches of snow.  It was hard to measure because the wind had already started to make the snow drift by the time I got out there.  I was quite excited  that I was going to have my first chance at using my snow blade in three years. Because of all the past difficulties, it made this chance all that much sweeter.  It started when I first went to order this snow blade a couple of years ago.  I could tell the  John Deere salesman was reluctant to sell it to me.   Maybe he thought a I would not be able to handle the mechanism. I guess I ordered it around September and  I was not getting a call to say that the blade had arrived.  When I called back, I found that the order had to be placed again.  Luckily it did not snow that season and when it came the salesman came to install it and spent about three hours struggling to get it to work properly. Then summer came so I took off the blade and then I put it back on for the next season.  I probably never put it on properly but no matter. It did not snow that year.  So now it is the third winter season since I got the blade.  I put the blade back on removing cotter pins and putting back the pins that anchored it to the frame.  Then I had a chance to ask my neighbor to look at it and he said I had it all wrong but together we managed to get it on properly. It took a good 5 hours of work.  So even though I still have trouble angling the blade in two directions, I had a satisfying morning plowing the driveway and I decided it was time for a "selfie".  Selfie is a new word added to the dictionary because people are holding out their camera phones to get a photo of themselves.  I did not use a camera phone but I did prop up my Cannon camera on the trunk of my car and used the timer to be able to jump into the shot:

Notice the chains.  I installed those, too, with the help of a You Tube video.   I was careful not to push the snow into the highway out front.  I got stuck a few time but managed to get out.  So as several plows went by I was glad not to be in need of service for this storm.  

  Even when I was a kid I would try to beat my father and get out there before he did and I did that to my husband, too.  My husband was ready and willing to shovel but I think I had more motivation.  I am trying to figure out why I would enjoy this activity so much.  I hate the cold.  Especially when I feel the oil burner is running so frequently to keep it up to 68 degrees. I just want to stay under the covers but when I am outside but bundled up, I actually like it.  


Neither snow, nor rain, will keep

the US Post Office from functioning

 or the UPS people either for that matter:



So I was eager to use my tractor but here is

another purchase that I have not used yet.  I am not looking

 forward to using this generator:



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